Oklahoma Museum / Tessa Traeger and Mark Haworth Booth
Tessa Traeger (TT), Photographer and Mark Haworth-Booth (MHB) (served as a curator at the Victoria and Albert Museum from 1970-2004 and helped to build up its great collection of photography)
Intended Outcome: create a film to accompany travelling exhibition as MHB and TT are unable to travel with the exhibition. This 18min piece is designed to accompany the traveling exhibition around the USA.Voices of the Vivarais.
Usage: Shown in two parts at the opening of exhibition in Oklahoma and travels with the exhibition of Tessa Traegers photography.
Part 01
Part 02
“Have just returned from Romania and have seen the final version of the film and wanted to let you know quickly that
I am thrilled with it.”
Tessa Traeger
“Everything arrived safely and is working beautifully, thank you. I should have emailed you before to let you know,
but the last few days have been very hectic at CAC. The exhibition looks wonderful and we are expecting a good
turn-out tonight.We have all enjoyed watching your film!”
Mary Ann Prior Executive Director City Arts Oklahoma City
“Thank you so much - most impressively put together. Really enjoyed meeting with and working with you!“
“Lovely stuff - well done. Thoroughly professional job. 'Proper job' as they say hereabouts”.
Mark Haworth-Booth